Thursday 26 October 2017

Handels Medizinisch System Privat

Die meisten populären medizinischen Marihuana - sollte Marihuana eine medizinische Option Gun Control - Sollte mehr Gun Control Gesetze getroffen werden Tier-Testing - Sollten Tiere für wissenschaftliche oder kommerzielle Prüfung verwendet werden Tod Penalt y - Sollte die Todesstrafe erlaubt werden Schuluniformen - Sollten die Schüler haben Tragen Sie Schuluniformen Trinkgeld e - Sollte das trinkende Alter von 21 zu einem jüngeren Alter gesenkt werden Mindestlohn - Sollte der Bundesgesundheitsminimum Lohn erhöht werden Euthanasie unterstützt Selbstmord - Sollte Euthanasie oder Arzt-assisted Suicide legal sein Illegale Immigration - Was sind die Lösungen zu Illegale Einwanderung in Amerika Abtreibung - sollte Abtreibung Rechtsmedizin Medizin Medizinische Marihuana - Sollte Marihuana eine medizinische Option sein Euthanasie unterstützten Selbstmord - Sollte Euthanasie oder Arzt-assisted Selbstmord legte Impfstoffe für Kinder - Sollten Impfstoffe für Kinder benötigt werden Milch - trinkt Milch Gesund für Menschen Abtreibung - Sollte Abtreibung Rechtspraktik sein - Sollten Menschen werden Vegetarische Fettleibigkeit - Ist Adipositas eine Krankheit Obamacare - Ist der Patient Schutz und erschwingliche Pflege Act (Obamacare) Gut für Amerika Recht auf Gesundheitswesen - Sollten alle Amerikaner haben die richtige (Be Berechtigt Drogen-Anzeigen - sollten verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente direkt an die Verbraucher DARE - Ist das D. A.R. E. Programm gut für Americas Kids (K-12) Drogenkonsum im Sport - Sollte Performance Enhancing Drogen (wie Steroide) in Sport Schule Uniformen akzeptiert werden - Sollten Schüler haben, tragen Uniformen Standardisierte Tests - ist die Verwendung von standardisierten Tests Verbesserung der Bildung in Amerika Tabletten vs. Lehrbücher - Sollten Tabletten ersetzen Lehrbücher in K-12 Schulen College Bildung - ist ein College Bildung wert es DARE - Ist das D. A.R. E. Programm gut für Americas Kids (K-12) Lehrer Tenure - Sollten Lehrer Tenure Death Penalt bekommen - Sollte die Todesstrafe erlaubt werden Trinkgeld e - Sollte das Trinkalter von 21 auf ein jüngeres Alter gesenkt werden Illegale Einwanderung - Was sind die Lösungen Zur illegalen Einwanderung in Amerika Verdeckte Pistolen - Sollten Erwachsene das Recht haben, eine verdeckte Pistole zu tragen ACLU - Ist die ACLU gut für Amerika Gun Control - Sollte mehr Gun Control Gesetze verabschiedet werden Soziale Sicherheit Privatisierung - Sollte die soziale Sicherheit privatisiert werden Kuba Embargo - Sollte die USA behaupten ihr Embargo gegen Kuba-Drohnen - Sollten die Vereinigten Staaten ihre Verwendung von Drone-Streiks fordern, werden die Gegner, die ihren Satz abgeschlossen haben (Inhaftierung, Probation und Parole), erlaubt, Obamacare Health Care Laws zu wählen - ist der Patient Schutz und erschwingliche Pflege-Gesetz (Obamacare) Gut für Amerika unter Gott - Sollten die Worte unter Gott in den USA sein Versprechen der Treue Wissenschaft Technologie Tier-Testing - Sollten Tiere für wissenschaftliche oder kommerzielle Tests Handys verwendet werden - sind Handys Safe Alternative Energy vs Fossile Brennstoffe - Kann alternative Energie effektiv ersetzen fossilen Brennstoffen Klimawandel - ist die menschliche Tätigkeit primär verantwortlich für den globalen Klimawandel Social Networking - sind Social Networking Sites gut für unsere Gesellschaft Impfstoffe für Kinder - sollten alle Impfstoffe für Kinder Wahlen erforderlich Präsidenten Felon Voting - Sollte Felons, die ihren Satz abgeschlossen haben (Inhaftierung, Probation und Parole) Ronald Reagan - war Ronald Reagan ein guter Präsident Bill Clinton - war Bill Clinton ein guter Präsident Voting Machines - tun elektronische Voting Machines Verbesserung der Abstimmung Prozess Präsidentenwahl, 2016 - Die Kandidaten und wo sie auf den Themen stehen (ARCHIVED) Präsidentschaftswahl, 2012 - Welcher Kandidat sollte US-Präsident im Jahr 2012 sein (ARCHIVED) Präsidentschaftswahl, 2008 - Welcher Kandidat sollte US-Präsident im Jahr 2008 sein (ARCHIVED) Kommunalwahlen - Santa Monica, 2014 - Sankt Monica Stadtrat, Schulrat und College-Vorstandswahlen (ARCHIVED) Welt Internationaler israelisch-palästinensischer Konflikt - Was sind die Lösungen für den israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt Kuba-Embargo - Sollten die Vereinigten Staaten ihr Embargo gegen Kuba-Drohnen pflegen - Die Vereinigten Staaten fortsetzen ihre Verwendung von Drone Streiks Übersee Sex Geschlecht Homosexuell Ehe - sollte Homosexuell Ehe Gesetzliche Prostitution - Sollte Prostitution legal sein geboren Homosexuell - Ist Sexuelle Orientierung bei der Geburt Abtreibung bestimmt - Sollte Abtreibung Rechtliche Unterhaltung Sport Social Networking - sind Social Networking Sites Gut für unsere Gesellschaft Videospiele und Gewalt - Do Violent Videospiele tragen zu Jugend Gewalt Handys - sind Handys Safe Prescription Drug Anzeigen - Sollte verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente direkt an Verbraucher Drogen Verwendung in Sport - Sollte Performance Enhancing Drogen (wie Steroide) Seien Sie akzeptiert in Sport Wirtschaft Steuern Steuern Mindestlohn - Sollte die Bundes-Mindestlohn erhöht werden Gold Standard - Sollten die Vereinigten Staaten wieder zu einem Gold-Standard Sozialversicherung Privatisierung - Sollte die soziale Sicherheit privatisiert werden Corporate Tax Rate Jobs - senkt die Federal Corporate Income Tax Rate Stellen Sie Jobs Kirchen und Steuern - Sollten Kirchen (Definiert als Kirchen, Tempel, Moscheen, Synagogen, etc.) verbleiben steuerbefreite Archivierte Seiten - nicht länger aktualisierte Präsidentschaftswahl, 2016 - Die Kandidaten und wo sie auf den Themen (ARCHIVED) Präsidenten stehen Wahlen, 2012 - Welcher Kandidat sollte US-Präsident im Jahr 2012 sein (ARCHIVED) Präsidentschaftswahl, 2008 - Welcher Kandidat sollte US-Präsident im Jahr 2008 sein (ARCHIVED) Lokale Wahlen - Santa Monica, 2014 - Santa Monica Stadtrat, Schulrat und College Board Wahlen (ARCHIVED) US-Irak-Krieg - Sollten die USA den Irak angegriffen haben (ARCHIVED) Insider Trading by Congress - Sollte Insider Trading by Congress Erlaubt werden (ARCHIVED) College Football Playoffs - Sollte College Football die Bowl Championship Series (BCS) mit einem Playoff ersetzen System (ARCHIVED) WTC Muslim Center - Ist es passend, ein muslimisches Gemeinschaftszentrum (aka die Ground Zero Mosque) in der Nähe des World Trade Center Site (ARCHIVED) Big Three Auto Bailout - Sollten die großen drei Automobilhersteller von den USA gebaut werden Regierung (ARCHIVED) Die Hintergrund - und Pro - und Kon-Argumente wurden von ProCon. org-Mitarbeitern auf der Grundlage von Input aus den folgenden Fußnoten (direkt referenziert) und Quellen (für allgemeine Forschung und nicht direkt referenziert) verwendet: Fußnoten: United States Census Bureau, Einkommen , Armut und Krankenversicherung in den Vereinigten Staaten: 2012, census. gov, Sep. 2013 Zentren für Medicare und Medicaid Services (CMS), National Health Expenditures 2012 Highlights, cms. gov (ab 11. 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Dezember 1993 Mike Rosen, Rosen: Kein Recht auf Gesundheitswesen, Denver Post. 13. August 2009 US Department of Health and Human Services Büro des Assistant Secretary für Planung und Evaluierung (ASPE), Überblick über die Unversicherte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Eine Analyse der 2007 aktuellen Population Umfrage, aspe. hhs. gov, Sep 2007 Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), Weltgesundheitsstatistik 2009, who. int, 2009 David Welna, Demokraten Push to End Versicherer Kartellfreiheit, npr. org, 23. Oktober 2009 Miles J. Zaremski, Gesundheitswesen und seine Reform: A Right vs. a Service, huffingtonpost, Apr. 6, 2009Unsere Produkt-Produkte HealthConnect Eine umfassende Healthcare Industry Solution Healthconnect ist eine umfassende Suite von Anwendungsmodulen für Healthcaer-Industrie, verpackt, um die Bedürfnisse von Krankenhäusern, Kliniken und medizinischen Labors zu erfüllen. Es umfasst die kompletten Lebenszyklusprozesse in einem modernen Krankenhaus mit umfassenden Arbeitsabläufen für die Patientenregistrierung, Terminplanung, stationäre, ambulante Patientenabrechnung, komplette Patientendatensätze, Maschinenanbindung an Labor - und Radiologieausrüstung und komplette Finanzierung Und Bestandsführung. Pflege-Pflege-Abrechnung und medizinisches Aufzeichnungssystem Ein komplettes Pflegeheim-Management-System, das Pflegeheimen ermöglicht, eine vollständige Aufzeichnung von Patienteninformationen einschließlich persönlicher Informationen, Krankengeschichte, Versicherungsinformationen und Kontaktdaten zu führen. Es wird nicht nur eine Aufzeichnung von Beobachtungen und Dienstleistungen, die bei jedem Besuch durchgeführt werden, sondern auch verwaltet Pflegeheim Aktivitäten einschließlich Patienten-Monitoring, Pflege Geber Scheduling und Medikamente. 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Es umfasst alle Anlagearten, Aktien, festverzinsliche Wertpapiere, Geldmarktinstrumente, Kapitalmaßnahmen, aufsichtsrechtliche Compliance und vollständige GL-Buchhaltung. Investconnect Börsenfinanzierung und Anlagesystem für Banken Dieses Produkt bietet Treasury Portfolio Investitions - und Börsenfinanzierungen für eine Handels - oder Investmentbank. Es bietet eine sehr umfassende Portfolio-Management-Einrichtung, die Investitionen in alle Instrumententypen, einschließlich Equity, Future, Fixed Income Securities und Money Market Instruments unterstützt. Das Produkt enthält auch Börsenfinanzierungs - und Risikomanagementmodule für Banken: Finanzierung gegen Aktien, Finanzierung gegen Forderungen und Marginfinanzierung. Industryconnect Geschäfts - und Fertigungsindustrie MIS System Ein umfassendes, integriertes und funktionsreiches System, das die Geschäfts - und Finanzverwaltung von Handelsorganisationen und Fertigungsindustrie automatisiert. 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News App und Website Eine iOS Android News App und Website, die auf verschiedene Communities, Sprachen und ethnische Gruppen ausgerichtet ist. Es enthält Nachrichten, Diskussionsforen, klassifizierte und Anzeigenanzeigen und Firmenverzeichnis. Unsere Kunden Testimonials Die transnationale Beziehung zwischen Softech und Facelift Brand Building Technologien begann, als Facelift umfangreiche technische Fähigkeiten in den frühen Tagen des Unternehmens benötigt. Softech hat seither erfolgreich verschiedene Social Media-Projekte für Facelift abgeschlossen, die konsequent herausragende Code-Entwicklung, Kommunikation und Projektmanagement-Kompetenzen liefern, das Beste, was sie bieten könnten. Facelift freut sich über das erste Ergebnis. Softech ist bekannt für ihr schnelles Wachstum von erfahrenen Entwicklern, die dennoch weiterhin ein hervorragendes Qualitäts-Front - und Backend-Produkt aufbauen. Unnötig zu sagen, Facelift schließt daher die fortlaufende Partnerschaft mit Softech vollständig ein und erwartet die zukünftigen Projekte, die vor uns liegen. Teja Tpfer, Geschäftsführer Facelift Brand Building Technology GmbH - 100 Facebook und Social Technologies Hamburg, Deutschland MI-Pay freut sich über die anfänglichen Ergebnisse der geleisteten Arbeit und ist nun dabei, ihre strategische Partnerschaft mit Softech Norman Frankel als MD, Mi - Pay, UK Wir haben Softech Systems auf der Grundlage ihrer Technologie-Kompetenz sowie Know-how im Finanzsektor ausgewählt. Unsere Wahl bezahlt Najam Ali als CEO, JSIL Ich habe das Privileg, mit zwei verschiedenen Custody-Systemen über den Zeitraum von 14 Jahren als Head of Custody für 2 verschiedene Depotbanken in Ghana seit dem Jahr 2000 zu arbeiten. Softech bietet die flexibelste Custody-Lösung, die ich je in meiner ganzen Erfahrung kennengelernt habe. Ihr System CustodyConnect ist in der Lage, Weltklasse-Verwahrungs - und Wertpapierverwaltungslösungen an alle Custody Services Provider mit lokaler und ausländischer institutioneller Investor-Kundenbasis zu liefern. Mark Amenu, Head CAL Bank Custody Services NIT als größter und ältester Investmentfonds in Pakistan hatte umfangreiche Funktionalität und Prozessanforderung im Asset Management. Nach der detaillierten Auswertung wurde die AssetConnect-Anwendung von MS Softech Systems für die Implementierung ausgewählt, in der sie uns die zusätzliche Funktionalität zur Verfügung stellten, die für die Beseitigung von Lücken zwischen Geschäftsprozess und Anwendung bei NIT angefordert wurde. Das AssetConnect-System, das bei NIT implementiert wurde, umfasst Unit Management, Portfolio Management-Aktien, Fixed Income und Geldmarktinstrumente, Trustee Transfers und General Ledger Module. Dieses System ist seit mehr als einem Jahr erfolgreich im Einsatz, bei der NIT Head Office und den fünfzehn Online-Filialen und unterhält Folien von mehr als 57.000 Einheiten mit einer Portfolio-Größe von rund 80 Milliarden Rs. MS Softech Systems hat uns sehr geholfen und auf unsere operativen und anpassungsrelevanten Anforderungen eingegangen und wir sind mit ihrem Produkt, Service und Know-how in diesem Bereich zufrieden. 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The United States, Greece, and Poland are the only countries of the 34 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that do not have universal health care. Proponents of the right to health care say that no one in the richest nation on earth should go without health care. They argue that a right to health care would stop medical bankruptcies, improve public health, reduce overall health care spending, help small businesses, and that health care should be an essential government service. Opponents argue that a right to health care amounts to socialism and that it should be an individuals responsibility, not the governments role, to secure health care. They say that government provision of health care would decrease the quality and availability of health care, and would lead to larger government debt and deficits. Read more background. Top Pro amp Con Arguments The founding documents of the United States provide support for a right to health care. The Declaration of Independence states that all men have unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, 42 which necessarily entails having the health care needed to preserve life and pursue happiness. The purpose of the US Constitution, as stated in the Preamble, is to promote the general welfare of the people. 43 According to former Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), as part of efforts to promote the general welfare, health care is a legitimate function of government. 44 Instituting a right to health care could lower the cost of health care in the United States. According to a 2013 study, under a single-payer system, in which all citizens are guaranteed a right to health care, total public and private health care spending could be lowered by 592 billion in 2014 and up to 1.8 trillion over the next decade due to lowered administrative and prescription drug costs. 51 According to the American Medical Association, on average, private health insurance plans spend 11.7 of premiums on administrative costs vs. 6.3 spent by public health programs. 52 According to a study in the American Journal of Public Health. Canada, a country that provides a universal right to health care, spends half as much per capita on health care as the United States. 53 In 2010 the United Kingdom, another country with a right to health care, managed to provide health care to all citizens while spending just 41.5 of what the United States did per capita. 48 A right to health care could save lives. According to a 2009 study from Harvard researchers, lack of health insurance is associated with as many as 44,789 deaths per year, which translates into a 40 increased risk of death among the uninsured. 59 Another study found that more than 13,000 deaths occur each year just in the 55-64 year old age group due to lack of health insurance coverage. 60 In addition, a 2011 Commonweath Fund study found that due to a lack of timely and effective health care, the United States ranked at the bottom of a list of 16 rich nations in terms of preventable mortality. 112 In Italy, Spain, France, Australia, Israel, and Norway, all countries with a right to health care, people live two to three years longer than people in the United States. 62 The right to health care is an internationally recognized human right. On Dec. 10, 1948 the United States and 47 other nations signed the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The document stated that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and ones family, including. medical care. 49 In 2005 the United States and the other member states of the World Health Organization signed World Health Assembly resolution 58.33, which stated that everyone should have access to health care services and should not suffer financial hardship when obtaining these services. 16 According to a 2008 peer-reviewed study in the Lancet. right-to-health features are not just good management, justice, or humanitarianism, they are obligations under human-rights law. 50 The United States and Mexico are the only countries of the 34 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that do not have universal health care. 37 As of 2013 over half of the worlds countries had a right to health care in their national constitutions. 45 A right to health care could make medical services affordable for everyone. According to a 2012 study from Consumer Reports. paying for health care is the top financial problem for US households. 18 According to a peer-reviewed study in Health Affairs. between 2003 and 2013, the cost of family health insurance premiums has increased 80 in the United States. 96 According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 26 of Americans report that they or a family member had trouble paying for medical bills in 2012, and 58 reported that they delayed or did not seek medical care due to cost. 64 According to one estimate of a proposed bill to implement a single-payer health care system in the United States (HR 676), 95 of US households would save money 51 and every individual in the United States would receive guaranteed access to publically financed medical care. 69 Providing all citizens the right to health care is good for economic productivity. When people have access to health care, they live healthier lives and miss work less, allowing them to contribute more to the economy. A Mar. 2012 study by researchers at the Universities of Colorado and Pennsylvania showed that workers with health insurance miss an average of 4.7 fewer work days than employees without health insurance. 55 According to an Institute of Medicine report, the US economy loses 65-130 billion annually as a result of diminished worker productivity, due to poor health and premature deaths, among the uninsured. 105 In a Jan. 14, 2014 speech, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim stated that all nations should provide a right to health care to help foster economic growth. 56 A right to health care could improve public health. According to a 2012 study in the Lancet that looked at data from over 100 countries, evidence suggests that broader health coverage generally leads to better access to necessary care and improved population health, particularly for poor people. 99 In the United States, people are 33 less likely to have a regular doctor, 25 more likely to have unmet health needs, and over 50 more likely to not obtain needed medicines compared to their Canadian counterparts who have a universal right to healthcare. 63 According to a 2008 peer-reviewed study in the Annals of Internal Medicine. there were 11.4 million uninsured working-age Americans with chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, and their lack of insurance was associated with less access to care, early disability, and even death. 65 Because the United States is a very wealthy country, it should provide health care for all its citizens. Many European countries with a universal right to health care, such as Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy, have a lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita than the United States, 47 yet they provide a right to health care for all their citizens. As of 2012, 47.9 million people (15.4 of the US population) did not have health insurance 1 and, according to a June 2013 study, even with the Obamacare reforms as many as 31 million people will still be uninsured in 2016. 46 The United States spent 8,508 per person on health care in 2011, over 2.5 times the average spent by member countries of the OECD (3,322 per person). 48 With that level of spending, the United States should be able to provide a right to healthcare to everyone. Providing a right to health care could benefit private businesses. If the United States implemented a universal right to health care, businesses would no longer have to pay for employee health insurance policies. As of 2011, 59.5 of Americans were receiving health insurance through their employer. 66 According to the Council on Foreign Relations, some economists believe the high costs of employee health insurance place US companies at a competitive disadvantage in the international marketplace. 67 According to the Business Coalition for Single-Payer Healthcare, a right to healthcare under a single-payer-system could reduce employer labor costs by 10-12. 103 A right to health care could encourage entrepreneurship. Many people are afraid to start their own businesses for fear of losing the health insurance provided at their existing jobs. The Kauffman-RAND Institute for Entrepreneurship Public Policy estimated that a 33 increase in new US businesses may result from the increased access to health insurance through the Obamacare health insurance exchanges. 57 A 2001 study found that providing universal health care in the United States could increase self-employment by 2 to 3.5 percent. 58 A right to health care could stop medical bankruptcies. About 62 of all US bankruptcies were related to medical expenses in 2007, 30 and 78 of these bankruptcies were filed by people who already had medical insurance. 4 In 2010, there were 30 million Americans who were contacted by a collection agency about a medical bill. 57 If all US citizens were provided health care under a single-payer system medical bankruptcy would no longer exist, because the government, not private citizens, would pay all medical bills. A right to health care is a necessary foundation of a just society. The United States already provides free public education, public law enforcement, public road maintenance, and other public services to its citizens to promote a just society that is fair to everyone. Health care should be added to this list. Late US Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) wrote that providing a right to health care goes to the heart of my belief in a just society. 100 According to Norman Daniels, PhD, Professor of Ethics and Population Health at Harvard University, healthcare preserves for people the ability to participate in the political, social, and economic life of society. It sustains them as fully participating citizens. 101 The founding documents of the United States do not provide support for a right to health care. Nowhere in the Declaration of Independence does it say there is a right to health care. 42 The purpose of the US Constitution, as stated in the Preamble, is to promote the general welfare, not to provide it. The Bill of Rights lists a number of personal freedoms that the government cannot infringe upon, not material goods or services that the government must provide. 43 According to former Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), you have a right to your life and you have a right to your liberty and you have a right to keep what you earn in a free country. You do not have the right to services or things. 70 A right to health care could increase the US debt and deficit. Spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and the Childrens Health Insurance Program, all government programs that provide a right to health care for certain segments of the population, totaled less than 10 of the federal budget in 1985, but by 2012 these programs took up 21 of the federal budget. 78 According to US House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), government health care programs are driving the explosive growth in our spending and our debt. 77 Studies have concluded that the expansion of insurance coverage under Obamacare will increase the federal deficit by 340-700 billion in the first 10 years, 79 80 and could increase the deficit to 1.5 trillion in the second 10 years. 81 Even with these expenditures, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates Obamacare will leave 30 million people without health insurance. 82 If everyone in the US were covered under a universal right to health care, the increase in the federal deficit could be even larger than under Obamacare. A right to health care could increase the wait time for medical services. Medicaid is an example of a federally funded single-payer health care system that provides a right to health care for low-income people. According to a 2012 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, 9.4 of Medicaid beneficiaries had trouble obtaining necessary care due to long wait times, versus 4.2 of people with private health insurance. 102 Countries with a universal right to health care have longer wait times than in the United States. In 2013 the average wait time to see a specialist in Canada was 8.6 weeks, 72 versus 18.5 days in the United States in 2014. 73 In the United States, fewer than 10 of patients wait more than two months to see a specialist versus 41 in Canada, 34 in Norway, 31 in Sweden, and 28 in France all countries that have some form of a universal right to health care. 24 Implementing a right to health care could lead the United States towards socialism. Socialism, by definition, entails government control of the distribution of goods and services. 113 Under a single-payer system where everyone has a right to health care, and all health care bills are paid by the government, the government can control the distribution of health care services. According to Ronald Reagan, one of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine, and once socialized medicine is instituted, behind it will come other federal programs that will invade every area of freedom. 84 In Aug. 2013, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) was asked if Obamacare is a step towards a single-payer universal health care system, he answered absolutely, yes. 111 The free market should determine the availability and cost of health care services, not the federal government. 83 Providing a right to health care could raise taxes. In European countries with a universal right to health care, the cost of coverage is paid through higher taxes. In the United Kingdom and other European countries, payroll taxes average 37 - much higher than the 15.3 payroll taxes paid by the average US worker. 85 According to Paul R. Gregory, PhD, a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, financing a universal right to health care in the United States would cause payroll taxes to double. 85 Providing a right to health care could create a doctor shortage. The Association of American Medical Colleges predicts a shortfall of 63,000 doctors by 2015 due to the influx of new patients under Obamacare. 76 If a right to health care were guaranteed to all, this shortage could be much worse. In the United Kingdom, which has a right to health care, a 2002 study by the British National Health Service found that it was critically short of doctors and nurses. 74 As of 2013 the United Kingdom had 2.71 practicing doctors for every 1,000 people the second lowest level of the 27 European nations. 75 A right to health care could lead to government rationing of medical services. Countries with universal health care, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, 97 and the United Kingdom, 88 all ration health care using methods such as controlled distribution, budgeting, price setting, and service restrictions. 104 In the United Kingdom, the National Health Service (NHS) rations health care using a cost-benefit analysis. For example, in 2008 any drug that provided an extra six months of good-quality life for 10,000 (15,150) or less was automatically approved, while one that costs more might not be. 87 In order to expand health coverage to more Americans, Obamacare created an Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) to make cost-benefit analyses to keep Medicare spending from growing too fast. According to Sally Pipes, President of the Pacific Research Institute, the IPAB is essentially charged with rationing care. 89 According to a 2009 Wall Street Journal editorial, once health care is nationalized, or mostly nationalized, medical rationing is inevitable. 98 A right to health care could lower the quality and availability of disease screening and treatment. In countries with a universal right to health care certain disease treatment outcomes are worse than the United States. The US 5-year survival rate for all cancers is 64.6, compared to 51.6 in Europe. 26 The United States also has a higher 5-year survival rate than Canada. 90 Studies have found that US cancer screening rates are higher than those in Canada 90 and 10 European countries with universal health care including France, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland. 25 The United States is estimated to have the highest prostate and breast cancer survival rates in the world. 32 The United States also has high survival rates after a stroke, with an age-adjusted 30-day fatality rate of 3 per 100, lower than the OECD average of 5.2 per 100. In addition, the 30-day survival rate after a heart attack is higher in the United States than the OECD average. 110 A right to health care could lower doctors earnings. The Medicare system in the United States is a single-payer system where government pays for health care bills, and between 1998 and 2009 it reduced physician payments in three different years. In 2009, Medicare payments to health care providers were almost 20 below those paid out by private insurance. 91 In Britain and Canada, where there is a universal right to health care, physicians have incomes 30 lower than US doctors. 91 According to a 2011 study, in comparison to US specialists, the average specialist in Canada earned 30 less, and the average specialist in the United Kingdom earned 50 less. 92 Any lowering of doctor payments in the United States could reduce the number of young people entering the medical profession, leading to a doctor shortage. A right to health care could cause people to overuse health care resources. When people are provided with universal health care and are not directly responsible for the costs of medical services, they may utilize more health resources than necessary, a phenomenon known as moral hazard. 93 According to the Brookings Institution, just before Medicaid went into effect in 1964, people living below the poverty line saw physicians 20 less often than those who were not in poverty. But by 1975, people living in poverty who were placed on Medicaid saw physicians 18 more often than people who were not on Medicaid. 83 A Jan. 2014 study published in Science found that of 10,000 uninsured Portland, Oregon residents who gained access to Medicaid, 40 made more visits to emergency rooms, 94 even though they, like all US residents, already had guaranteed access to emergency treatment under federal law. 54 Since Medicaid provides a right to health care for low-income individuals, expanding this right to the full US population could worsen the problem of overusing health care resources. The majority of Americans do not believe there should be a right to health care. According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 56 of Americans do not believe that it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have health care coverage. In 2012, Gallup found that 54 of Americans opposed the idea of federally-financed universal health coverage. 4 People should pay for their own health care, not have it given to them by the government. Under a single-payer system, the right to health care is paid for through taxes, and people who work hard and pay those taxes are forced to subsidize health care for those who are not employed. In the United States, people already have a right to purchase health care, but they should never have a right to receive health care free of charge. Health care is a service that should be paid for, not a right.

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